Clas10 Glimpses of India, Coorg, কুৰ্গ, question answer, প্ৰশ্নোত্তৰ।


Clas10 Glimpses of India, Coorg, কুৰ্গ, question answer, প্ৰশ্নোত্তৰ।

Glimpses of India (ভাৰতৰ জিলিঙনী)
Partt-ii Coorg(কুৰ্গ)

Summary (সাৰাংশ)

      The prose piece Coorg written by Lokesh Abrol, as the name suggests deals with the beautiful region of Coorg. The author in a flowing language describes the beauty of this quaint little hill station situated in the southern state of Karnataka. The author gives a vivid description of the people and the scenery of Coorg, and describes it to be an inviting and invigorating place for tourists from all walks of life. The pristine natural surroundings combined with the beautiful, brave and hospitable people truly make Coorg a heaven on earth.

Word Meaning(শব্দাৰ্থ)

martial                   having to do with war,                                       like a soldier

                                 (যুদ্ধ সম্পৰ্কীয়, সামৰিক)

rolling hills            hills that occur in soft                                         rounded shapes

                                 (গোল আকৃতিৰ পাহাৰ)

inhabited               occupied(অধিকৃত)

it pours                  it rains(বৰষুণ দিছে)

commences           begins(আৰম্ভ হোৱা)

tucked under        enclosed by(আবৃত)

invigorating          refreshing (সতেজ)

Ccanopies         roof-like coverings that                                  form shelters                                                (চালৰ আকৃতিৰ আৱৰণ যিয়ে                                      আশ্ৰয় গৃহ নিৰ্মাণ কৰে)

prime                     best(শ্ৰষ্ঠ)

fiercely                  having extremely intense emotions of          (তীব্ৰ আৱেগ থকা)

descent                  lineage (বংশক্ৰম)

impractical           not workable (সম্পাদনসাধ্য                                    নহয়)

distinct                  clearly different (স্পষ্টভাৱে                                            পৃথক)

tales of valour      stories of courage and                                        bravery, usually in war

                               (সাহস আৰু বীৰত্বৰ কাহিনী,                                           সাধাৰণতে যুদ্ধৰ)

ripple                      small waves on the                                             surface of water

                               (পানীৰ পৃষ্ঠভাগৰ ক্ষুদ্র তৰঙ্গ)

laidback                 relaxed (বিশ্ৰাম কৰা)

trails                       paths created by walking                                   (খোজৰ দ্বাৰা সৃষ্টি হোৱা পথ)

(পাঠভিত্তিক প্ৰশ্নোত্তৰ)


Thinking about the Text (পাঠ সম্পৰ্কীয় চিন্তন) :

(Textbook Page No. 92) (পাঠ্যপুথিৰ পৃষ্ঠা 92)

1. Where is Coorg? (কুৰ্গ ক'ত আছে?)

Ans. Coorg is situated in Karnataka. It rests midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore.

উত্তৰ কুৰ্গ কৰ্ণাটকত অৱস্থিত। ই মহীশূৰ আৰু উপকূলীয় চহৰ মাংগালোৰৰ মাজভাগত অৱস্থিত।

2. What is the story about the Kodavu people's descent?

কোডাভো লোকসকলৰ বংশক্ৰম সম্পৰ্কীয় কাহিনী টো কি?)

Ans. It is believed that the Kodavu people are of possible Greek or Arabic descent. It is said that a part of Alexander's any moved south along the coast and settled in Coorg when return became impractical. These people then married amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream The traditional Coorgi dress Kuppia lends support to the Arabic descent theory as it bears a close resemblance to the kuffia worn by the Arabs.

3. What are some of the things you now know about (এইবোৰৰ বিষয়ে বৰ্তমান তুমি কি জানা)

(i) the people of Coorg?(কুৰ্গৰ লোক)

(ii) the main crop of Coorg?(কুৰ্গৰ প্ৰধান শস্য)

(iii) the sports it offers to tourists?(পৰ্যটকৰ বাবে ইয়াত আগবঢ়োৱা ক্ৰিয়া

(iv) the animals you are likely to see in Coorg (কুৰ্গত তুমি দেখা পাব পৰা জন্তু)?

(V) its distance from Bangalore, and how to get there?(বাংগালোৰৰ পৰা ইয়াৰ দূৰত্ব আৰু তালৈ কেনেদৰে যাব পাৰি)


(i) The people of Coorg: They are part of a proud race of martial men and beautiiul woman. It is believed that the Kodavu people are of possible Greek or Arabic descent. The people of Coorg have a great tradition of hospitality.

(ii) The main crop of Coorg: Coffee is the main crop and coffee plantations are abundant in Coorg.

(ii) The sports it offers to tourists: Coorg offers a number of adventure sports to the tourists. These include river rafting, canoeing, rock climbing, rapelling and mountain biking.

(iv) The animals you are likely to see in Coorg: Macaques, Malabar squirrels, langurs and slender loris are widely found in Coorg. Kingfishers and Mahaseer are also present. Apart from them wild elephants are also present along with domesticated ones.

(v) Its distance from Bangalore, and how to get there: Coorg lies at a distance of 260kms from Bangalore. Madikeri, the district headquarters, is the only gateway to Coorg. One can fly to Coorg, the nearest airports being Mangalore and Bangalore, the nearest railheads are at Mysore Mangalore and Hassan, while by road Coorg can be reached via Mysore or via Neelamangal, Kunigal, Chanrayanapatna.

4. Here are six sentences with some words in italics. Findp hrases from the text that have the same meaning.

(Look at the paragraphs indicated)

(i)  During monsoons it rains so heavily that tourists do not visit Coorg. (Para 2)

Ans. It pours enough to keep tourists away

(ii) Some people say  that Alexander 's ammy moved south along the coast and settled there. (para 3)

Ans. As one story goes

(iv) Even people are always ready to tell stories of their 'sons and tathers' valour. (para 4)

Ans. They are more than willing

(v) Even people who normally lead an easy and slow life get smitten by the high-energy adventure sports of Coorg. (para 6)

Ans. The most laidback individuals

(V) The theory of the Arab origin is supported by the long coat with embroidered waist-belt they wear. (para 3)

Ans. Draws support from

v) Macaques, Malabar squirrels observe you carefully from the tree canopy. (para 7)

Ans. Keep a watchful eye

Thinking About Language (Page 93)

Certain words ‘go together’. Such ‘word friends’ are called collocations. The collocation of a word is ‘the company it keeps’. For example, look at the paired sentences and phrases below. Which is a common collocation, and which one is odd? Strike out the odd sentence or phrase.


1. ‘How old are you?’

2. ‘How young are you?’

3. a pleasant person

4.  pleasant pillow


1. The common collections are 

      ‘How old are you?’,  a pleasant person.

2. The odd phrase are

      How young are you,  ‘a pleasant pillow’.

Question 1.

Here are some nouns from the text,

‘culture’ ‘monks’ ‘surprise’ ‘experience’ ‘weather’ ‘tradition’

Work with a partner and discuss which of the nouns can collocate with which of the adjectives given below. The first one has been done for you.

‘unique’ ‘terrible’ ‘unforgettable’ ‘serious’ ‘ancient’ ‘wide’ ‘sudden’


1. culture : unique culture, ancient culture

2. monks : _____________

3. surprise: ___________

4. experience: __________

5. weather: ___________

6. tradition: ___________


2. serious monks, unique monks

3. unique surprise, sudden surprise, unforgettable surprise, terrible surprise

4. unique experience, terrible experience, unforgettable experience, sudden experience

5. terrible weather, unforgettable weather

6. unique tradition, ancient tradition


1.  tales of                         __________         ___________

2.  coastal                         __________         ___________

3. a piece of                      __________         ___________

4.  evergreen                    __________        ___________

5. plantations                   __________         ___________

6. bridge                           __________        ___________

7.  wild                              ___________       ___________


Missing                        Alternate word

i. valour                                bravery

ii. town                                 regions

(iii)heaven                           advice

(iv)rainforests                     grassland

(v)coffee                                banana

(vi)rope                                 hanging

 (vii)elephants                      boars

Additional questions (অতিৰিক্ত প্ৰশ্নোত্তৰ)

1. What is the kuppia? Describe it. What is it similar to?

Ans. The kuppia is a clothing worn by the people of Coorg. It consiists of a long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt. It is similar to the kufia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.

2. What is the signmificance of Coorg to the Indian Army?

Ans. Coorgis are known for their valour and the Coorg Regiment or the Indian Army is one of its most decorated regiments, i.e. many of its soldiers have received awards for bravery in war. Moreover the first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi.

3. Where does the river Kaveri get its water from? Describe a scene around the river.

Ans. he river Kaveri gets its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. The river has a large number of Mahaseer fish, and kingfishers can be seen diving into the waters to catch a fish Squirrels and langurs are seen dropping half-eaten fruit into the waters of the river to enjoy the splashing sound and the rippling effect they create.'Elephants to0 are bathed in the river by their mahouts.

4. If a person was of a relaxed nature what would you expect him to do in Coorg?

Ans. Even a person of the most relaxed nature would adopt a life of high-activity in Coorg. 1his Is because ot the adventure activities available there. The vast choice of river-rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock-climbing and mountain-biking would tempt one to give up doing nothing, an take up these activities. Trekking would be another attractive activity as Coorg has a large number of walking trails.

5. What are the people of Coorg a descent of?

Answer: The people of Coorg are a descent of Greek and Arab people.

6. Which crops grow in Coorg in plenty?

Answer: Coffee and spices grow in Coorg in plenty.

7. What is the best time of the year to visit Coorg?

Answer: The best time of the year to visit Coorg is between September and March.

8. Why did a part of Alexander's army settle here?

Answer: A part of Alexander army settled here because their return had becomne impractical.

9. Which river flows through Coorg?

Answer: The river Kaveri flows through Coorg.

10. Which hills are found therein Coorg?

Answer: The Brahmagiri hills are found therein Coorg.

11. What is the district headquarters of Coorg?

Answer: Madikeri is the district headquarters of Coorg.

12. Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills?

Answer: Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because it has a lot of hills and is itself a hill station. The hills seem to roll down in a panoramic view.

13. What does the writer say about Coorg?

Answer: The writer says that Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is known as Kodagu also. Coorg lies between the coastal town of Mangalore and Mysore. It is a very beautiful place. The writer says that it must have come from the kingdom of God.

14. What is Coorg famous for? What is the best season to visit Coorg?

Answer: Coorg is famous for its coffee plantations, evergreen rainforests and spices Thirty percent of its area is covered with the evergreen rainforests The best season to visit this place is from September to March. The air is full of coffee flavor.

15. Where is Coorg situated? What is it famous for?

Answer: Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is known as Kodagu also. Coorg lies between the coastal town of Mangalore and Mysore. It is a very beautiful place. The writer says that it must have come from the kingdom of God. Coorg is famous for its coffee plantations, evergreen rainforests and spices. Thirty percent of its area is covered with the evergreen rainforests. The best season to visit this place is from September to March. The air is full of coffee flavour.

16. Describe the physical and geographical features of Coorg.

Answer: Coorg is a piece of heaven that must have drifted from the Kingdom of God. This is a land of rolling hills inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women, coffee and wild elephants. Coorg or Kodagu is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is home to evergreen forests, spices and coffee plantation. This beautiful region of rolling hills, rainforests and mist lies between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore.

          Rainforests dominate the physical feature of Coorg. They cover more than thirty percent of this district. It rains heavily during the monsoons. The most ideal season for tourists starts in September and ends in March. The river Kaveri obtains its water from the hills and rainforests of Coorg. The region abounds in wild elephants and langurs besides a lot of birds, bees and butterflies. The Brahmagiri hills provide a panoramic view of the entire misty landscape of Coorg. The sixty-four acre island of Nisargadhama is a little paradise for the tourists.

(আশা কৰিছোঁ, এই প্ৰশ্নোত্তৰ খিনিৰে আপোনালোকৰ উপকাৰ হৈছে। অন্য পাঠসমূহৰ উত্তৰ সমূহো এই ৱেবচাইটত উপলব্ধ। সেইবোৰ পাবলৈ তলৰ লিংক্‌ অথবা menu->class10->select subjectত যাব পাৰা।)


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